Would you Stand Against HB2002B? Here is a Chance to Join Pastors in Standing Against it!
The brave Senate Republicans are doing the only thing available to them at the Oregon State Capital, walking out. The newly passed initiative, makes their walkout even harder, as many of them may not be able to serve or run again. But HB 2002B is just that much of a threat. .
Because of the terrible nature of the bill, people are standing up against it and supporting the Senators in the walkout!
“On Thursday, May 11, 2023 Oregon Faith Leaders invite the media and public to attend a press conference held by faith leaders from across the state of Oregon.
WHAT: Oregon Faith Leaders Press Conference.
WHEN: Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 11:00am
WHO: Faith leaders from across Oregon. Speakers: Pastor Richard Peil, Bend; Pastor Brandon Hardy, Salem; Pastor Franklin Humber, Summerville; Pastor Brad McFeters, Portland.
WHERE: Oregon State Capital Mall (north side of capital building); 900 Court St. NE Salem, Or. 97301
POINT OF CONTACT: Richard Peil: pastor.vbc@victoryforyou.church
“As leaders of multiple faith communities across our state we strongly oppose the current Oregon Senate leadership’s attempt to push some of the most egregious bills in our country through our Senate. Specifically, HB 2002B would literally legalize a child of any age receiving an abortion WITHOUT parental consent and HIDE from inter-state investigation the fact that a baby has been killed. Further the bill would legalize a minor as young as 15 years old undergoing “gender affirming treatment” up to sex reassignment WITHOUT parental consent. Any parent who dares “interfere”, ie: protest the “care” being given their child by “making the phone ring” within the clinic providing said “care”, can be charged with a class A misdemeanor and imprisoned for up to 364 days. This, in effect, makes our children the property of the state, rather than the heritage of the Lord to be brought up in the nurture of the Lord. Furthermore, this wicked bill, leaves the Oregon tax payer footing the bill for all of it through the government health exchange.”
“The four pastors speaking will address the real reason our state senate is in gridlock: the lawlessness of Senate President Wagner. The twelve hero senators are refusing the Senate its ability to conduct business by denying quorum in protest of these illegal tactics. The atrocities of HB 2002B, and what every fed-up Oregonian can do now is to let their voice be heard.”
“Please join us at the capital this Thursday, May 11 at 11:00am on the Capital Mall directly north of the capitol building.”
We have sent this email out to a large list! Please come to the event and support the Pastors. Then support our email notification with your tax credit donation!! With your help we can do more to stand against HB2002B, support the continued walkout and change Oregon. Remember, we have list of deliverable emails (55,000) to Judeo-Christian worldview voters. We have a list of 668,000 digital Id’s for Christians in Oregon. Help us use these!
Email Jeffk@oregonfaithandfreedom.org. for a copy of a manual on Ballot Harvesting. We can still change the May 16th Election too!
Please join us in transforming the Oregon political landscape today.
Give $10.00, $25.00 or $50.00 today!
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For more information: visit www.OregonFaithandFreedom.org or info@oregonfaithandfreedom.org.