Below are links to the recent violence that plagues the City of Portland and its’ residents. Warning, as some of the videos have graphic violence.
First video, attacks on innocent residents walking down the street.
Second video: robbed a woman that was skateboarding and then assaulted her. A passerby then stops to help her as she is pleading for her safety.
Third video: The good Samaritan and his companion begin to be assaulted, He attempts to drive away, obviously afraid for their lives and in his haste to get around other traffic while being chased by rioters, he crashes.
Fourth Video: The rioters catch up with the good Samaritan, he is asking for help as his female companion is still in the truck. The rioters drag him into the street and make him sit in the road. They get the keys to his truck and begin to start getting the passenger out of the truck.
Fifth Video: WARNING- HORRIFIC CONTENT The rioters have beat the good Samaritan sitting in the road, then a rioter kicks him in the back of the head knocking him unconscious – leaving him bleeding in the road.
Sixth Video: WARNING – HORRIFIC CONTENT Some come to the good Samaritans aid and call 911
Last video: Fire set inside Multnomah Building