Why We Keep Getting the Same Results
Please take our poll!
The OSU Beaver football team is doing well and going to a bowl game! But it wasn’t always so. There was a time when year after year the team’s record was 2 and 10. There was a coach one year who claimed that he could not recruit the kind of athletes to win. He used a very old style running offense. As a consequence of his lack of belief in OSU’s ability to compete, his teams didn’t. His best year was 4 wins, the worst was 1 win. He ended selling insurance. Our lack of belief that we can compete in the Get Out the Vote game (or what is often called “ballot harvesting”), and our opinion that we shouldn’t try, is exactly why we lose. We won’t even field a team to try and win. Yet in Oregon’s own history we have an example of fielding a team and making great progress. That year was 2010 and you can review previous emails here. Imagine if in this current year we had won 6 surprising seats in the Oregon House? Yet that is what was accomplished 2010. Sadly even some of those who helped fund the effort in that year, are lacking belief we can win and change our voting outcomes.
What can we do? Should we continue to get 43% percent of the vote for state-wide candidates? Then allow the progressive liberals to control the house and senate where they will continue to attack our freedoms in every way! This is what our current election advertising methods produce. We have seen that $2 million, $15 million and now $20 million have been spent on trying to elect a more sane conservative Judeo-Christian worldview Governor without success. Look what happens when we don’t try, can we really afford not to try?
Now look at current examples that took place in California. In an article entitled, “California Republicans embrace ballot harvesting after Trump and the GOP spent months decrying the practice” and a more current example found under “New Program Aims to Help Republicans Harvest Ballots Legally in California“. Oregon Faith and Freedom will advocate and work towards a return to more effective means of identifying those who share our world view and getting them out to vote.
We could all leave Oregon to safer, more conservative “red” states. The problem is that what happens in Oregon matters. When conservatives turn over Oregon to the progressives, it becomes the testing grounds for all kinds of bad things. The best example is vote by mail. That started right here in Oregon. Who do you think would be President today if all 50 states had an in person, vote at the precinct level, on a singular election day? We all know it would be Donald Trump! Sadly, once we had some success in the year 2010, we should have continued. Perhaps by growing our response, progressives wouldn’t have found the idea for using vote-by-mail all over the country.
What if we revisited what was done in 2010? This seems to be what national people like Charlie Kirk, and Newt Gingrinch are supporting. AND IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT WILL WORK!
If you want to work to help change our approach, using the effort in 2010 to help us create our own machine, then Oregon Faith and Freedom is a group you should be helping!
What can we do? First, do not let year-end come without taking advantage of the OREGON POLITICAL
ACTION TAX CREDIT (and watch this video that explains what only 6% of Oregonians use to redirect Oregon State Income taxes away from the State Government to a PAC)! Second, would you help others take a survey that might help identify whether they might align as more conservative leaning voters (particularly among those who are unaffiliated with any party)? Email Jeffk@oregonfaithandfreedom.org for more information (Here is the poll-Please take our poll!). Third, interested in being part of a county chapter? email. Fourth, pass this email on to a friend! Fifth, get ready again to use your voice of dissent to stand against another batch of laws passed in Salem in 2023.
Donate today so you don’t forget prior to 12/31/2022!
Send an email to jeffk@oregonfaithandfreedom.org to get some great ideas!
Please join us in transforming the Oregon political landscape today. Give $10.00 today (about a cup of coffee and a donut)!
For more information: visit www.OregonFaithandFreedom.org or if interested in discussing running send email to info@oregonfaithandfreedom.org.
Play our video explaining the unique Oregon Political Action Tax Credit that allows almost every Oregonian an easy and potentially free way to fund PAC’s like Oregon Faith and Freedom: play
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