It all starts in the Senate on Monday morning at 8 AM! That is when the SB 554 has a hearing in the Senate Judiciary and …Committee. You can follow the bill via this link. Passage of SB 554 will likely render a person’s ability to legally carry a concealed handgun, almost pointless. SB 554 will set up numerous potential “felony traps” all over the state for those with Concealed Handgun Licenses (CHL).
The tips below are for SB 554, but can apply to any bill coming forward, and there are many.
Are you going to testify against this bill? As many people as possible should either testify remotely or submit testimony to the Committee assistant. WE strongly recommend you do the following if you’re serious about your objections to this bill. We need all the help we can get. Pay close attention to 3 & 4.
1. e-Subscribe to the bills you are interested in by going to Citizen Engagement e-Subscribe ( An email will be sent every time there is a change.
2. Go to OLIS: and get acquainted with all information that is there. OLIS will give you all kinds of information about bills, committees and committee members, sponsors and more! You can even find bills by typing in keywords that will lead you to bills that may be of interest.
3. If you are able to testify using the remote system before the committee (explained in that is the best way. You must sign up ahead of time. But if you are like many and feel a bit shy about testifying in person remotely, you can submit your written testimony. Speaking directly to the committee is the most impactful.
4. To submit written testimony for SB 554 go to the committee where the bill is: for a Senate Judiciary committee overview. Then scroll down to “Staff” and open it.
Go to “Submit Public Testimony” to upload testimony by clicking “Click to
Submit Testimony” and follow the directions.
5. For any other bill, go to the committee where the bill is, click on “Staff,” then “Click to Submit Testimony.”
To help you get started preparing your oral (or written) testimony, see the basic format below, keeping in mind you’ll probably be limited to 2 minutes:
Address the Committee: “Chair Prozanski, Vice-chair Thatcher”
State your name: “My name is___________.” “I come before you in opposition to Senate Bill 554” (or something like this).
State your concerns and why this bill should not move forward.
Conclude by telling them it should not move out of this committee. End with “Thank you.”
If you have any problems signing up to testify, please let me know ASAP via email. We want to know.