Vote Resources: November 8th

Please take our poll! 

Play our video explaining the Oregon Political Action Tax Credit:
Who do you favor for Governor?  Take our poll.

America is the midst of a culture war and ABORTION-ON-DEMAND ls pushed forward again as the battleground issue!  Biden is the champion of every step to destroy the Christian heritage of these United States.  Getting candidates for Governor, State Legislature, County Commission, etc. who will fight to protect our rights, our religious freedoms, stand for life, to never mask our kids and close our schools, stand  for a Judeo-Christian world view, stand against critical race theory, and advocate for sane policies, is critical.

We also need candidates who will stand for freedom,

But who are these candidates?  Oregon Faith and Freedom has looked at several conservative groups that have offered their recommendations.  Groups such as Parent’s Rights in EducationOregon Family CouncilOregon Right to LifeOregon Firearms, the Abigail Adams project, and others.  If you need the compiled list, we will post it to our website soon.  If you would like to the see the list please email 

Senator Dennis Linthicum has published several emails about the 4 initiatives on the ballot you can read here:  111, 112, 113, 114, summary.

Oregon Faith and Freedom is considering steps to assist the election of candidates.  If you think we should, please send a donation today.  We now have 45,000 deliverable emails (please open and read, if we get 20% opens we are talking to 9,000 people)! 

If you are a candidate reading this, or if you know someone who is a good candidate and needs prayer and encouragement as they run, would you email and connect with us?

Pray for our country!  

We continue to educate, organize, identify other supporters and encourage Oregon taxpayers to take $50 or $100 per couple out of the states tax coffer so it can’t pay for taxpayer funded abortions (called the political action tax credit).  Your immediate help of $25, $50, $100 or more to help us protect life can take some of that money away from abortions (those state funded abortions).  Thank you for your consideration!  No gift is too large or too small, so I hope we can count on you standing with us today. Oregon is a winnable state and we should not give up on it!

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