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PAC ID:15823
Vote Resources: November 8th
Please take our poll! Play our video explaining the Oregon Political Action Tax Credit: do you favor for Governor? Take our poll. America is the midst of a culture war and ABORTION-ON-DEMAND ls pushed forward again as the battleground issue! Biden is the champion of every step to destroy the Christian heritage of these United States. Getting candidates for…
SB 554 Hearing
It all starts in the Senate on Monday morning at 8 AM! That is when the SB 554 has a hearing in the Senate Judiciary and …Committee. You can follow the bill via this link. Passage of SB 554 will likely render a person’s ability to legally carry a concealed handgun, almost pointless. SB 554…
About Ralph Reed
Ralph Reed is founder and chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition. He was senior advisor to the Bush-Cheney campaigns in both 2000 and 2004, and chairman of the Southeast Region for BC04. As chairman of the Georgia Republican Party he led the GOP to its biggest victory in history, helping to elect the first…